Network connectivity underlying information processing speed in children: Application of a pediatric brain tumor survivor injury model.

in NeuroImage. Clinical by Noor Z Al Dahhan, Arthur S Powanwe, Minarose Ismail, Elizabeth Cox, Julie Tseng, Cynthia de Medeiros, Suzanne Laughlin, Eric Bouffet, Jérémie Lefebvre, Donald J Mabbott


  • This study investigates how the way our brain is connected affects how it works. The researchers used different methods to study this, including resting state, a visual-motor task, and computational modeling. They used pediatric brain tumor survivors as an injury model to study how structural connectivity compromise and perturbations in neural communication affect cognitive deficits. The study found that the way our brain is connected directly affects how it communicates and processes information, and that white matter compromise has an indirect adverse impact on reaction time via perturbed neural synchrony. The study also established alterations in structural-functional coupling as biomarkers of cognitive impairments.


Elucidating how adaptive and maladaptive changes to the structural connectivity of brain networks influences neural synchrony, and how this structure-function coupling impacts cognition is an important question in human neuroscience. This study assesses these links in the default mode and executive control networks during resting state, a visual-motor task, and through computational modeling in the developing brain and in acquired brain injuries. Pediatric brain tumor survivors were used as an injury model as they are known to exhibit cognitive deficits, structural connectivity compromise, and perturbations in neural communication. Focusing on information processing speed to assess cognitive performance, we demonstrate that during the presence and absence of specific task demands, structural connectivity of these critical brain networks directly influences neural communication and information processing speed, and white matter compromise has an indirect adverse impact on reaction time via perturbed neural synchrony. Further, when our experimentally acquired structural connectomes simulated neural activity, the resulting functional simulations aligned with our empirical results and accurately predicted cognitive group differences. Overall, our synergistic findings further our understanding of the neural underpinnings of cognition and when it is perturbed. Further establishing alterations in structural-functional coupling as biomarkers of cognitive impairments could facilitate early intervention and monitoring of these deficits.


  • The study investigates the relationship between structural connectivity of brain networks and neural synchrony, with a focus on the default mode and executive control networks. The study uses resting state, a visual-motor task, and computational modeling in the developing brain and acquired brain injuries. Pediatric brain tumor survivors were used as an injury model to assess cognitive deficits, structural connectivity compromise, and perturbations in neural communication. The primary objective is to demonstrate how structural connectivity of these critical brain networks directly influences neural communication and information processing speed, and how white matter compromise has an indirect adverse impact on reaction time via perturbed neural synchrony. The study also aims to establish alterations in structural-functional coupling as biomarkers of cognitive impairments.

Comparative Analysis & Findings

  • The study compares the outcomes observed under different experimental conditions or interventions, including resting state, a visual-motor task, and computational modeling. The results show that structural connectivity of the default mode and executive control networks directly influences neural communication and information processing speed, and white matter compromise has an indirect adverse impact on reaction time via perturbed neural synchrony. The study also demonstrates that when experimentally acquired structural connectomes simulate neural activity, the resulting functional simulations align with the empirical results and accurately predict cognitive group differences.

Implications and Future Directions

  • The study's findings have significant implications for the field of research and clinical practice, as they further our understanding of the neural underpinnings of cognition and when it is perturbed. The study establishes alterations in structural-functional coupling as biomarkers of cognitive impairments, which could facilitate early intervention and monitoring of these deficits. Future research directions could explore the effects of different types of brain injuries or interventions on structural connectivity and neural synchrony, and investigate the potential for targeted interventions to improve cognitive function.